
The year in pictures...

I was reviewing the year in pictures on MSN. I came across Madonna's picture. Now, I'm sure many people love her and that's all fine and dandy. But me personally, I can not stand her. However, she at least had a sense of fashion and fitness. But what the hell has she done with herself??!! I think she's totally let herself go, but in a superfit way. She looks disgusting to me, I'm sorry people, but I'd rather look old and wrinkled and chubby any day compared to the way she looks. I never thought she was particularly attractive (nor particular ugly either) so I'm not too horribly disappointed or anything, but still! Blech!

oh, P.S. I think the above picture has been photo-shopped, but you get the idea, that whole sinewy arm-leg thing just freaks me out.

And then, worst of all, I realized it's an epidemic when I saw a picture of Sarah Jessica Parker. OHhhh noooo!! Maybe it's just that these women are working out the same but getting older, so they look more and more sick. Ewww, look at those arms, not attractive to me dude, unless you are a dude.

1 comment:

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

I'd rather be a bit more fat. I'm happier being 30lbs heavier than how skinny I was before.
Fabulously Broke in the City
Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver...