

This is work-related, and I know many will not understand unless they work in the same exact environment as I do. But, I just have to vent. MY SUPERVISOR IS AN EVIL WITCH FROM HELL.

Although her job description is mysterious to most of us, as it seems she does nothing all day, we do know that one of her tasks is to audit various reports. However, she decides she only wants to do her job 3 weeks before the end of year, because her yearly bonus (rumored to be in the thousands, much more than we get in an entire year) is riding on how clean those reports are. So I'm sitting at my desk, trying to catch up on open/unworked accounts because our archaic system has been out of commission and/or running slow for 5 working days, and she's sending freaking e-mails to me about work that's already done and stuff that was updated less than two weeks ago! What the HELL, first of all, just so you know, we are only required to update our stuff every two weeks (but I will admit most of us do it much less often than that because we know our supervisor only audits at the beginning of a quarter, so hah), so her e-mails are ticking everyone off (I'm not just a raving lunatic with a nasty temper, trust me). Not only that, she's putting a flag on every single one of these accounts that is related to each email, which will affect our yearly review, and our yearly raise. So, the woman decides to do her job (only because HER supervisor is telling her to, because HER supervisor is going to get thousands in bonus too) once out of the whole entire year (for this particular report anyway), make everyone miserable and more behind, AND affect what measly raise we get for the year too (max of 3%, YES the MAX is 3%, LAME). Besides the fact that updating each account does ABSOLUTELY no good, because we are waiting for information from someone out in the sales field, who does not care, they'll get it in when they get it in. Period. In fact, harassing them just ticks them off and makes them even slower to respond, seriously, I've tried to do my job the proper way, but it just put a big-time damper on the admin-sales relationship.

SO basically, I'm pissed at my employer for creating such an idiotic protocol, and I'm really pissed at my supervisor because she follows the protocol whenever her lazy, alcoholic butt feels like she might be losing out on dinero, and also she is RUDE to boot. Does no one know how to send a professional, kind e-mail these days? This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Seriously, does it HAVE to be unfriendly, sarcastic or just straight-up rude? I'm in Texas okay, I know in other parts of the states/world e-mails are brisk, short and to the point, but damn it, where I live the people generally are courteous and usually super-nice, that's the way we treat people, and that's the treatment we expect in return (what's strange is my supervisor is from here as well, so I don't know what her damn problem is...) Just say please or thanks OKAY?! Not hard. Really it's not hard. You can fake it, I do it all the time...

Okay I'm done....so much for mini....

P.S. We're getting a new VP over our department effective 01/01, I am seriously contemplating writing an anonymous letter to him...anonymous because I don't want to get fired, and this is the kind of place that will fire you just for stirring up stuff...I'm just not sure, I think I'll wait until I'm not so pissed off.

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