
About me....

Okay, so I've always heard of the intrigue and possibly addicting nature that is the blogging world. I've heard about it in the movies, magazines, articles ETC ETC. I've never really understood it's appeal or even what it meant until I came across the blog titled Fabulously Broke In The City. My eyes were opened. How fantastic! This was all because I googled "Single in the Suburbs" in order to find a new posting; I noticed a link to a site with a preview that appeared to be some sort of rant about Single in the Suburbs. This piqued my interest, since I had been following the article for a while. I guess I was really bored, who knows, I don't have cable, OK?Anywho, I started reading this woman's rant about how incredibly stupid the "character" (I guess it's a character, I always thought that was a real person..) is with her finances. Which, I cannot disagree with, that woman is a complete pushover (and she knows it) and unfortunately she seems to be rather financially retarded. Anyway, I progressed on to read other blogs, and I am completely fascinated. I don't think I have anything of interesting sustenance to write about, but what the hay, it can't hurt right?
First of all, I'm in my mid-twenties, I work in medical sales (but I am not an actual salesperson, I wish I made that much moolah), I am going to school part-time for Business Administration (I'll graduate in, oh, I don't know 2019?), and I have a boyfriend, who is a guy that seems to have just emerged from a romance novel. No exaggeration, he is fabulous. I'm kind of just waiting for him to disappoint me, isn't that pathetic? :-D We've been going out for over a year now, so it's all good so far.
I bought my first house when I was 20, I guess that's supposed to be an achievement (no help from parents or anything mind you) but I've found it's just weighed me down, because now I want to move closer to where I work (half-hour drive) but I'm stuck with this house, which of course I cannot sell right now. Great.
So, that's all the major details I guess. Until next time....

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